
EDS Awareness Month Chat with @maplemoonchild

What it's like living with EDS: Living with hEDS definitely has its challenges. I have loose u...


EDS Awareness Month Chat with @maplemoonchild

EDS Awareness Month Chat with @AyeshaShaSha777

Living with EDS is hard, but has become increasingly so over the last 3-4 years. I got diagnos...


EDS Awareness Month Chat with @AyeshaShaSha777

EDS  & HSD Awareness Month

Recently we shot with the lovely Ayesha who has the condition EDS and to be honest we didn't know...


EDS & HSD Awareness Month

New Print Alert!

We have our new print 'Shooting Stars' arriving on Tuesday at 1pm GMT. They are a heavier weight ...


New Print Alert!

New Limited Edition Boilers!

We know you all love our boilers so we have made a really short run of 150 pieces of each design ...


New Limited Edition Boilers!

Trans Visibility with Caspian Okazaki

Partnering with Bag brand CHOK Gothx, we had a photoshoot and interview with Caspian Okazaki, a T...


Trans Visibility with Caspian Okazaki

Thank you!

This months Depop sales have been flying in and we managed to make a whopping £1256 for charity! ...


Thank you!

A short history about us

Slyde Ltd started life in Leicester in 1986, but our original owner Jeram Mandalia started out by...


A short history about us

Inside Our Warehouse/Head Office

Our Warehouse and head office are the same place. As you know we are a very small business and te...


Inside Our Warehouse/Head Office

This Months Restocks

This month we will be restocking the following designs dropping towards the end of the month. Mak...


This Months Restocks
