We asked our followers on instagram from the LGBTQIA+ community why inclusive fashion is so important to them.
Inclusive and gender free fashion is SO IMPORTANT! I would love to be an ambassador promoting such an inclusive brand as yourselves. As a proud butch lesbian, it is so important to me to be able to find more masculine or gender neutral clothing that fits my more feminine body shape. I am confident in my gender identity, proud tomboy lesbian, trans ally, supporter of all LGBTQ+IA people.
Pronouns She/Her

I'm Abs and I'm non binary. Inclusive fashion is so important to me because being able to wear clothes I feel comfortable in and aren't inherently gendered makes me feel so much more like myself. That in turn makes me feel more confident and happy. I love Run and Fly dungarees because they aren't 'boy clothes' or 'girl clothes', they're just awesome clothes that make me smile when I wear them!
My socials are abs_derere on Instagram and Twitter
Pronouns: they/them

'm non-binary, and over the years how I've expressed that has changed and varied. When I was younger my body was more naturally androgynous, which meant I could often wear clothes designed for either gender - especially on the high street, as those tend to be modelled by and for bodies with no 'shape.' In my late twenties and early thirties I retreated into a much more standard gender expression as my body began to fill out and thicken around the shoulders. This was born both of an increasing desire to hide as well as a sense that clothes as you approach middle age were much more segregated - something for failing bodies to collapse into rather than look good in. Inclusive fashion has helped me buck that trend, by showing all sorts of bodies in all sorts of clothes. I'm now 37 and approaching my 40s on the basis that androgyny and gender non-conformity can come from how I present myself and what I feel comfortable wearing, rather than being tied to a specific body type I had when I was 18 and am never getting back.
I've been starting to chart that recently on instagram as @merula_song (I have a main @meta_blackbird, but it's mainly pictures of toy soldiers and cakes)
Pronouns They/Them

Hi. I’m Sara
As a gay person,
Run & Fly dungarees allow me to express myself and be comfortable in my skin and clothes. Not one to dress in tight and revealing my curves, dungarees can hide my chest that I’m not confident about.
For the first time in my life I’ve found clothes where I can dress brightly and express my inner happiness.
My job is a wellbeing laughter teacher and as such I have to move and groove with complete comfort.
Dungarees really allow for me to perform with energy and confidence.
Thank you for creating the dungarees comfort !
social links
IG and twitter @seriouslaughuk
Pronouns she/her

If you would like to be featured please email hello@runandfly.co.uk